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Farming amazes me most of the time. As in Nursing,  there  is so many categories of farming that it is unreal. If farming is in your heart, you can find a way to succeed. Flower farming is a category that has always fascinated me and thought it would be fun to do but I went another direction. I'm not mad about it at all, and now I am living vicariously through 2 friends who took the plunge. They are doing fantastic, and I'm cheering them on with a soap. 😅


Scented with juicy pomegranate with hints of pineapple, red grapefruit, green apple, mango, and subtle moss


Ingredients: Beef Tallow, Olive Oil, Coconut oil, Sodium Hydroxide, Canola Oil, Castor Oil, Beeswax, Fragrance oil, Titanium Dioxide, Mica


Net Weight 4.5 ounces


To get the most from your soap, allow it to dry in between uses.



Flower Farm

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