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I am always reminded of the grain that we feed our livestock on a daily basis with this soap. The whole oatmeal that I work with makes me think of the barley and corn and the sweet smell of honey reminds me of the molasses that is in the grain.


A customer favorite. This soap is scented with a creamy almond honey scent with a mild sweetness that comes with the oatmeal. Ground oatmeal provides a soft exfoliation with every use.

Ingrendients: Beef Tallow, Olive Oil, Coconut oil, Sodium Hydroxide, Buttermilk, Canola Oil, Castor Oil, Beeswax, Fragrance oil, Oatmeal, Honey


To help your bar to last longer allow for it to dry between usage.
Net weight 4.5oz

Grain and Molasses

SKU: 0002
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